Smart Network Expansion
To Drive Your Capital Further

Maximize Impact and ROI

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Introducing Broadband IQ™

Broadband IQ, an AI-powered analytics solution for service providers and investors, provides actionable market and construction insights to accelerate network expansion by identifying where to build and how to build to achieve the optimal ROI from capital investments. 


VCTI helps some of the world’s most innovative service providers to determine where and how to expand their networks for the best ROI. Leveraging VCTI innovation, service providers realize >20% improvement in the efficiency of their capital budget through better market selection, more accurate build estimates and streamlined workflow taking months off the time from plan to construction

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12+M Broadband Locations Planned


$2+ Billion Project Value Supported


$893 Million Client Grant Wins



Get Ready: States Ramp Up BEAD Funding for Broadband Expansion

Watch the video to learn about the challenges of creating winning bids for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) funding. Download the case study to learn how VCTI's Grant Support Services helped on service provide win 75% of their bids.

Expansion Challenges

ROI payback

Inaccurate Cost Assumptions


Painstaking Planning Process

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Cumbersome process for Enterprise Sales


Where to Expand

ServoceNow Certified App

Defending Your Market


Agility to Respond to Government Programs

Leverage AI with sophisticated analytics to accelerate expansion planning

 In a market defined by change and exploding customer demand, you can depend on VCTI to deliver with speed, quality, and commitment to your success.

View our solutions

We are unapologetically passionate about networks and technology.

We provide expert technical resources to help technology companies develop complex networked and cloud products and solutions to enable communications service providers to evolve their networks with a clear path to digital transformation.

Learn about VCTI

Accelerate your broadband expansion, operations, and innovation

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